![]() MARIANNE PEEL, a poet from Chicago, Illinois, joined us to tell us about her journeys throughout the world, the human connections that she has made, and to explain how all came together in her new book of poetry, "No Distance Between Us". FROM HER PUBLISHER'S WEBSITE: "MARIANNE PEEL is a poet, musician, and retired English teacher. She received Fulbright-Hays Program awards to further her research in Nepal and Turkey and to support her work as a teacher. She also served as an educator in China’s Guizhou province and as a volunteer at Kara Tepe refugee camp in Lesvos, Greece. Peel’s poetry has appeared in numerous print and online journals. No Distance Between Us is her debut book." smpbooks.com/authors/marianne-peel/ ![]() AMY NORDHUES, an author and sexual abuse survivor from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, joined us to discuss her story, including her latest release, "Prayed Upon: Breaking Free From Therapist Abuse". FROM HER WEBSITE: "Amy Nordhues is a survivor of both childhood sexual abuse and sexual abuse as an adult at the hands of a mental health professional. She is a passionate Christ-follower and expert on the healing God provides. She has a BA in psychology with minors in sociology and criminology. Her devotions have been published in The Secret Place (Judson Press) and include: A Big Softy, Winter 2018, Fixer Upper, Summer 2019, No, Thank You, Summer 2021 and Unveiled, Fall 2021. Her essay, Give Me a Sign, won 2nd place at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Foundation Awards. She blogs at www.amynordhues.com. A married mother of three, she enjoys spending time with family, writing, reading, photography, and all things comedy. She hopes that through her ministry, she can shed a light on the very under-reported issue of therapist/clergy abuse both to offer support to the victim and to aide loved ones so they can better assist the victim with the very arduous process of healing. She also hopes to work towards improving the laws in her state which currently has no legislation regarding therapist abuse. In over half of the states in our country, it is illegal for a therapist to engage in sex with a client. The power differential that exists in any therapeutic relationship makes it impossible for a client to give consent. For this reason, the patient entering therapy must be protected." amynordhues.com ![]() JAMES A. ROSS, an author from Jackson, Wyoming, joined us to discuss his writing career, and his debut novel, "Hunting Teddy Roosevelt", as well as his "Coldwater" series. FROM HIS WEBSITE: "Storytelling is fun, but it never paid the bills. To take care of necessities, I’ve at various times been a Peace Corps volunteer in the Congo, a low-level staffer for a Midwestern Congressman and a three-piece suited Wall Street lawyer and deal maker. Hey, it was a living. These days I write from my home in the Teton Valley of Wyoming, where elk and other four-legged residents outnumber the two-legged variety by ten to one, and the patrons of the local cowboy bars appreciate a well-told tall tale.My short fiction has appeared in numerous literary journals and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. I have been a guest storyteller on the Moth Main Stage and a several times winner of the live storytelling competition, Cabin Fever Story Slam. My debut historical novel, HUNTING TEDDY ROOSEVELT, won the American Book Festival Fiction Award for historical adventure, the Independent Press Distinguished Favorite award for historical fiction, the Firebird Book Award for action/adventure, and was a finalist for the National Indie Excellence Award for historical fiction and shortlisted for a Goethe Historical Fiction Award. My debut mystery novel, COLDWATER REVENGE won the American Book Festival Fiction Award for mystery/suspense: hardboiled crime and the Firebird Book Award for legal/thrillers. The second book in the series, COLDWATER CONFESSION, is scheduled for release in April 2022." https://www.jamesrossauthor.com
![]() BRYAN COLLINS, an author, writer, and storyteller from Ireland, joined us to discuss all of his projects, but especially his newest release, "I Can't Believe I'm a Dad! What Every Guy Must Know About Parenting, Fatherhood and Hair Loss." FROM HIS AMAZON PAGE: "Stressed out Irish Dad Bryan Collins would know. As the father of three kids, he’s often looked around for an instructional manual for his kids and found none in sight. Now, in his frank and confessional take on parenting, expectant and new Dads can finally get an insight into what it’s really like after their son or daughter arrives. You won’t find this advice in a typical parenting book. Strap in." https://becomeawritertoday.com ![]() EMILY THIROUX THREATT, a former business owner, college professor, author, and "Grief Transformation Expert" from Hawaii, joined us to discuss her personal grief over the years, how she can help you overcome and deal with grief, and to discuss her new book, "Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief: A Comprehensive Guide to Reclaiming and Cultivating Joy and Carrying on in the Face of Loss". FROM HER WEBSITE: "Having gone through the experience of the poor health leading to the death of two husbands, as well as the deaths of my father, mother, sister, aunts, and uncles as well as many friends, I have much experience in the grieving process, and I have learned to face life with love, optimism, and joy. I have kept journals and written to express myself most of my life. This led me to a career of teaching writing and writing books. So, after my second husband died, I naturally turned to writing to help deal with my grief. Then I discovered that I could use writing to help friends deal with grief, too. My new book, Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief: A Comprehensive Guide to Reclaiming and Cultivating Joy and Carrying on in the Face of Loss, provides guidance for navigating the downs and ups of that unfamiliar territory. I spend my time now writing and teaching others to write to deal with all kinds of loss. And when I am not writing, I am enjoying the beauty of Maui. Emily is a Grief Transformation Expert and holds a Master’s Degree in English with a Concentration in Writing. She has been teaching writing and composition on the college and university level over 30 years. During that time, she published three writing textbooks. with Prentice Hall and Pearson Education." lovingandlivingyourwaythroughgrief.com ![]() EDWARD DI GANGI, a returning guest and an author from North Carolina who was adopted at birth, will join us to read from his book, "A Gift Best Given: A Memoir", as we are promoting "National Adoption Awareness Month". FROM HIS BIO: "Through three years of research, Di Gangi found that his mother had been a celebrity performer in the glamorous ice show spectaculars of the 1940s and 1950s. In addition to recounting his own story, the author details his mother's life and travels beginning with the time she left home in New York at the age of 17 to travel alone by train across the country to join a traveling ice skating troupe. Five years later and unexpectedly pregnant, she returned home, known only to her eldest sister and her sister's husband, to manage the birth and the adoption of her son. Di Gangi speaks with enthusiasm and clarity about family secrets, reunions with previously unknown family members, and discoveries as well as genealogy and research into family history." www.digangiauthor.com ![]() ANTHONY and STACI LO CASCIO, professional tap dancers and teachers from New York, New York, both of whom became ill - putting the lives and careers in jeopardy - and researched and changed their diets, joined us to discuss their new book, "Food As A Prescription: A Handbook for Those Currently On or Prescribed a Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, Corn-Free and/or Dairy-Free Diet". FROM THEIR AMAZON PAGE: "The time has come! With an increasing number of people implementing a gluten-free, soy-free, corn-free, and even a dairy-free approach to life, it has become apparent there is a massive amount of value in taking control of your diet and understanding your food - as a prescription. If you or a loved one suffer from allergies, skin irritations, or auto-immune issues like psoriasis, celiac disease, IBS, Hashimoto's, ulcerative colitis or arthritis, or if you simply want to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, this handbook is for you!Whether you have been on this journey for a while, or you are new to the concept of using your food as a prescription, there are many questions you will have. For example: Are there any support systems out there? Can I safely go out to dinner ever again? How do I manage my day-to-day life? Are there tips or tricks that could make my life easier? And for those who are new to this approach: How do I even get started?Anthony and Staci Lo Cascio began their personal journeys with the very same questions. After two decades of experience and experimentation, while facing many trials and tribulations as well as overcoming various obstacles on the way to developing a dramatic, philosophical dietary transformation and accompanying lifestyle shift, they have answers! And now, for the first time, they are ready to share them with you.Congratulations on taking control of your life and health, and best of luck on your journey to using your food as a prescription! The accumulated knowledge in this book will save you time, money, physical setbacks and possibly even your sanity!" taplifecompany.com ![]() ULLIS KARLSSON, a gal from Sweden who suffered from depression, low self-esteem, and was suicidal, has turned it all around around and now serves as a Feminine Leadership Coach, International Spiritual Teacher and Author, Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, public speaker and trainer. She will join us to discuss all, including her books, "2:47 AM: The Journey Home to My Heart" and "Holy F*ck and Sacred Water: The Secret Connections to Everything". FROM HER AMAZON PAGE: "Ulrika Ullis Karlsson was born and raised in Sweden. Her first book, "2:47 The Journey Home to My Heart" was published 2019, 2020 it was published on Amazon. It is a raw, naked and vulnerable autobiography where she takes her readers through her inner darkness - from mental illness and being suicidal - into the light of a vibrant life. Today she is passionate about guiding others who suffers from mental illness or stressful lives into more a more heart centered, relaxed and happy life. She is a well liked international Yoga teacher & Yogatherapist with the entire world as her field of work. She is also a co-author of a Swedish anthology about embracing feminine leadership, not be found on Amazon. Ulrika is a mother of two teenagers, she loves Yoga, deep heartfelt connections with others and she loves to travel and eat chocolate. Her vision is to contribute to a more conscious, loving and juicier life. Her motto is: "It all starts within." https://ulliskarlsson.com ![]() CHARLIE SHELDON, a returning guest/author from the state of Washington, joined us to discuss the third book in his 3-book series, "Totem". FROM HIS WEBSITE: "Charlie went to Yale University and UMass, where he received a Masters Degree in Wildlife Biology/Resource Management. He worked in the fishing industry for 15 years as a deckhand, mate, skipper, and consultant, then relocated to the Pacific Northwest in 1990 to be near Olympic National Park. He worked at seaports for nearly 30 years as a planner, project manager, and executive. When he retired from seaports in 2012 he returned to sea as a merchant sailor for four years, working on various container and military vessels as Able Bodied Seaman and Bosun. He retired in 2016 to work full time at his writing. Nowadays he hikes in the Olympic National Park whenever he can, cooks for his wife, pesters his grandchildren, and continues to scribble tales." https://charliesheldon2.com ![]() DR. MARK RYALL, a recently retired teacher/professor of Mathematics, Biochemistry, and Economics from Hamilton, Ontario, as well as a triathlete who has represented Canada in the World Age Group Championships, joined us to discuss his latest release, "Age-Decoded". FROM HIS BIO: "I published my novel "Age-Decoded" because of the many advancements in CRISPR genetic engineering. The book's central question is: What could possibly go wrong with the advent of genetic engineering? The story itself focuses on genomicist Dr. Frieda Sengmeuller, who uses CRISPR to finally stop human aging. But the government secretly uses her methods in other psychological ways, jeopardizing freedom and democracy. I feel this topic so important, given the impending tsunami of genetic engineering technology. A novel like mine enables readers to really imagine and feel the effects on humanity." https://www.quora.com/profile/Mark-Ryall-2 ![]() DAN MCCRORY, a retired 37-year employee of AT&T, and now an author from Los Angeles, California, joined us to discuss his books, "Capitalism Killed the Middle Class", and "You Will Always Be My Forever". FROM HIS AMAZON PAGE: "Once upon a time, you could work for one company your whole adult life, you could make a decent living, and you could buy your piece of the American Dream. This book is part memoir and part political statement as it follows my thirty-seven-year career at the phone company that began in 1973, about the time economists say worker pay flatlined. The telecommunications industry was ripped apart, absorbed, and gobbled up by each other until, within a few years, Ma Bell had reassembled itself into the corporation that had stifled innovation for almost one hundred years and provided steady dividends and a secure family atmosphere for employees. Capitalism Killed the Middle Class also examines the present political and economic systems rigged against us, and it gazes into the future for a path to a more secure and prosperous quality of life for our children." www.amazon.com/Capitalism-Killed-Middle-Class-Against-ebook/dp/B07PKR8BG3/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1635162010&qsid=135-7706404-1339238&refinements=p_27%3ADan+Mccrory&s=books&sr= ![]() LINDA Mac DOUGALL, a senior massage therapist, senior health advocate, voice for change in the senior living sector, and an author, joined us to discuss her profession and her latest release, "The SPIRIT Method of Massage for Seniors: Raising the Bar...A Primer for Massage Therapists and Caregivers". FROM HER WEBSITE: "Linda got her M.A. in Counseling Psychology because she was seeking answers to family dysfunction. She already had a background of working with the developmentally disabled population since high school. She went on to be an administrator of two group homes for United Cerebral Palsy for over a decade. Following her ex-husband's career, she then moved to Hawaii and became a Federal advocate for the state of Hawaii's families dealing with their population of developmentally disabled. Her work there brought change to the system in the way of studies and a medical review board as well as the state guardians beginning to imitate her way of questioning and challenging the way things had always been done. Today her focus has changed to the older adult population. She is a senior health advocate and massage therapist, a holistic health practitioner, and a management consultant for caregiving situations. As a senior herself, Linda is also an advocate for change in the senior living space. Her background and focus on awareness led to the writing of her book "The SPIRIT Method of Massage for Seniors: Raising the Bar...A Primer for Massage Therapists and Caregivers". www.loveyourlongevity.com ![]() LUISA RAMONDO, a highly successful realtor, great cook, and now an author from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, joined us to discuss her debut novel, "Beyond the Cobblestones". FROM HER WEBSITE: "Luisa Ramondo, affectionately known for her Italian heritage and nurturing traits, makes her literary debut with “Beyond the Cobblestones,” a passion project that’s been in the works for years. Inspired by tales of her mother’s journey from the villages of Italy to the bustling cities of America. She is an award-winning real estate agent who lives in the Philadelphia area with her husband and three sons. When she’s not writing or selling houses, Luisa can be found on the tennis courts, on a yoga mat, or in the kitchen. Luisa is known for her natural cooking abilities and effortless entertaining skills. Scents of tomato and basil waft through her welcoming home as she regularly delights her friends and family with Sunday dinners – experiences she’s carried from her own youth that have inspired this lively tale." www.luisalivornoramondo.com ![]() MIKE MORAWSKI, a 30+ year real estate investment veteran from Chicago, Illinois, will join us to discuss his career investments, his personal story of going to prison, and his book, "Exit Plan". FROM HIS BIO: "Michael “Mike” Morawski is a 30+ year real estate investment veteran. He has controlled over $285,000,000 in real estate transactions. Mike is an entrepreneur, author, real estate trainer, public speaker, and personal coach with a strong, personal resilience, and deep desire to help others live an extraordinary life. He has coached hundreds of real estate investors to fulfill their dreams. Michael began as a general contractor in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago with $5 mm in annual revenue. He sold his company and then took some time off to decide what to do next. Michael entered the real estate industry as a sales agent building a team of agents and support staff that produced over $20 mm per year in sales production. In 2005, Michael started a private equity firm, raising $18 mm in private equity and acquired $60 mm in multi-family apartments including 4,000 units in five different US markets. As part of the company’s growth, Mike built and developed a property management division that managed 7,500 units. Mike has always believed that transparency and honesty are central to any successful business and personal life. As a result of the 2008 world economic crisis, Mike let his guard down and let his transparency slip. The impact that had on his company and its real estate holdings left him scrambling to protect the company and its investors. Due to the market climate, he found himself in a defensive mode operating out of chaos and fear. In an attempt to protect his company’s investors, Mike had to make difficult business decisions. Some of those decisions were handled poorly. As a result of those poor decisions, the company imploded and Mike faced wire and mail fraud charges which lead to a 10-year federal prison sentence." mycoreintentions.com ![]() DELANDA McNAIR, an author from Raleigh, North Carolina, will join us to discuss her books, including "Father, Then the Eyes Can See" and "You Taught Me: Why You Should Want Welcome And Receive Your Second Chance". FROM HER BIO: "My parents gave me a lot growing up, all of which having great value and influence upon my life, but most importantly, they gave me them, and they gave me HIM. I have worked in some form of customer service most of my life. Positions ranged from, “food services, careers in the travel industry, driving/executing dealer trades for a Chevrolet dealer, and sales.” No one could have made me think that one day, I would write and publish a book, yet here we are. Talk about “HIS ways not being our ways, and HIM knowing the plans HE has for us.” Umh. Well, this is book one of several titles to be come! These writings are truly "God given," with tiny particles of my everyday life intertwined. It is a conversation piece - be it a personal one, a one-on-one, or within a group. Lastly, if you are going to come along for the full journey, (beyond the preview read that is), please accept my apology for the delay of these writings. You see, as a Flight Attendant living in Miami FL when this story first came to me, it was a distant thought, and I didn't have time for writing. Guess I was too busy filling my life with other things. But soon after, I learned that - for me - wrong priorities equaled lost and wasted time. In closing, thank you for opening your heart and mind, to these writings. Remember, at some point, we all need forgiveness, so learn and choose to give it!" www.facebook.com/delandamcnair ![]() BARRY ADKINS, a father from Gilbert, Arizona, who tragically lost his son to alcohol poisoning, and then walked 1,400 with his ashes from Arizona to Montana, will join us to discuss his book on the topic, "Kevin's Last Walk: A Father's Final Journey With His Son". FROM HIS BIO: "Barry’s message is both a powerful inspiration and a warning about the consequences of even one night of binge drinking. In 2007, Barry set out on an epic 1400 mile journey, and walked from Arizona to Montana with his son’s ashes in his backpack. His presentation and powerful takeaways leaves audiences enthralled and asking for more, and appreciating every breath they take" www.facebook.com/kevinslastwalk ![]() DR. HENRIETTE J. RUNTE, a college professor, podcaster, speaker, and cancer survivor now in Germany, joined us to discuss her career, her thought processes when growing up as opposed to now, and her amazing place in this world. FROM HER BIO: "I am first generation Hungarian-American, but I have been living in Hamburg, Germany since 2001. I grew up in Communist Romania as a Hungarian minority. My dad was the national Olympic weightlifting coach and defected due to serious political problems. My mother and I were separated from him for two and a half years. Afterwards, my parents reunited in Texas, where my dad became a strength coach at Texas A&M. Growing up, there was incredible pressure to make my parents’ immigration worthwhile. I had to learn how to be American real quick, learn to speak the language, integrate, roll up my sleeves, and achieve. I collected degrees as symbols of achievement. I started taking college classes when I was 15. I finished a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Biology, finished Pre-Med, and completed a BA in French in only three years. I went on to get an MA in French and a PhD in French Literature, focusing on the sociological effects of theater on the community. I started teaching at KU when I was barely 21 years old. But even beyond that, I taught aerobics and kickboxing – did it all officially, got certified and everything. I was intent on showing that I was achieving. As far as my career was concerned, I spoke at conferences around the world, taught and directed numerous exchange programs for several universities, and didn’t stop until I became Head of Modern Languages at a prestigious university in Germany. I have been working in my current position since 2007. I love my job and the contact I have with my students. It is an absolute privilege to be able to shape young minds and be inspired by them on a daily basis." cultureum.com ![]() KELLI CHRISTINA, an author as well as the founder, CEO, and president of KD staffing in Plano, Texas, joined us to discuss her career, medical staffing issues, and her books, including her recent bestseller, "Riding The Executive Roller Coaster: Medical Staffing Cases". FROM HER BIO: "Kelli Christina is an International Best-selling author, public speaker, CEO, and business coach current day. Ms. Christina has worked part time government projects for ten years. She loves "making a difference" in today's world. As a woman in today’s world, Kelli Christina attributes her success to her hard work, education, and determination. With 20 years of specialized medical recruiting experience and 10 years in business management, she is currently the CEO, owner, and director of recruiting for KD-Staffing. Ms. Christina created KD-Staffing on the idea that “recruiting is an art.” She has perfected her skills in this “art” through several managerial and leadership positions since the start of her career; she became a restaurant manager and a boss at nineteen years old. Before she started a career in recruiting, Ms. Christina obtained a bachelor’s degree in business, hotel, and restaurant management from the University of North Texas. With 30 years of career experience, her advice to younger generations of women entering the workforce is to remember the importance of education. She also advises them to be strong-willed and to never give up." kdstaffing.org ![]() JORDAN SKOPP, the founder of "Foul Ball Safety Now", joined us to discuss his efforts in getting baseball teams to place protecting fencing around the stadium to protect fans from being struck by an errant ball or bat during a game. FROM HIS WEBSITE: "Foul Ball Safety Now! is a campaign started by Jordan Skopp, a Brooklyn realtor, lifelong baseball fan, and author of a forthcoming book about the wildly overlooked scandal in the professional baseball industry – the all-too-frequent incidence of fans being maimed by dangerous foul balls due to the lack of extended protective netting, and related failures to educate fans about their assumed risk at the ballgame. NBC News compiled data from first aid contractors working for only four out of the 30 MLB teams, and reported that at least 701 fans had been injured by baseballs from 2012 to 2019. NBC’s own research found an additional 107 injuries in that time period. That’s 808 foul ball fan injuries. Factoring in the other 26 MLB teams, that would come out to roughly 5,000 fan injuries over the same period. Keep in mind, these figures are only for MLB, and do not account for any of the fan injuries in the minor leagues where there are three times more games played. Ask yourself, what government or regulated industry would tolerate that injury rate in any other aspect of commerce? Baseball fans have had to figure this out for ourselves. No government has come to the rescue, and professional baseball certainly hasn’t stepped up adequately to protect us. We must take it upon ourselves to fight for our safety." www.foulballsafetynow.com ![]() GIRISH SHUKLA, a former computer engineer and now an author from India, will join us to discuss his debit novel, "Maroon in a Sky of Blue", as well as his continued and future writing plans. FROM HIS WEBSITE: "Girish Dutt Shukla is a computer engineer by education and a freelance digital marketer by profession. Before pursuing his passion for writing, he worked as a software engineer in Gurugram for two years. In June 2015, he left the job and started working as a copywriter and a social media strategist in a digital marketing agency in Delhi. In his six-year stint as a marketing professional, he has helped both established brands and startups to grow digitally with his writing skills, strategy, and marketing acumen. Girish regularly writes for a variety of websites and newspapers promoting psychology and mental health, including but not limited to The Pioneer, The Daily Guardian, SelfGrowth, SpeechBlubs, Elephant Journal, ThoughtCatalog, Theravive, BestLifeOnline, and HumanWindow. He has a proclivity for perceiving psyche and behaviour and hopes to study the subject further in the future. Maroon In A Sky Of Blue was his debut novel published in October 2020. The book has garnered an average rating of 4.5 with over 100 reviews. It has been featured on The New Indian Express, Dainik Bhaskar, IANS, Absolute News, Telangana Today, India Blooms, and other major news portals." girishduttshukla.com ![]() SAMANTHA KELLY, a speaker and author from Ireland, and also known as the "Tweeting Goddess", joined us to discuss her award-winning expertise on Twitter, and how YOU can use social media to enhance your business. We will also discuss her book, "Little Book Of Twitter Magic". FROM HER WEBSITE: "My Twitter journey began in 2011, with my first business, “Funky Goddess”. With very little social media savvy and a marketing budget of almost zero, I turned to Twitter to promote my product. It began as a simple series of conversations. I reached out to other parents like me, who were the target market for my business and we started to chat. Soon, conversations turned into connections and connections turned into followers. Before I knew it, I was creating genuine relationships. Building a community. As my following grew, I was approached by other local businesses to ask if I could help them capture the same growth that I had achieved. By applying the same principles of engaging, interacting and always trying to add value, I showed them how to master social media and use it to get a real return on investment for their business. It wasn’t long before I sold my company to focus on my new-found passion full time. Since then, I’ve shown so many businesses how to create successful social media campaigns that build brand reputation, boost sales and increase revenue. My speciality is making connections and creating a buzz around your events and campaigns. Getting your business noticed. Twitter completely changed my life. I understand how to use it to maximum advantage to get real results and I’d love to help you do the same." www.tweetinggoddess.com ![]() JOYCE FIELDS, an author originally from Detroit, but now living in Arcadia, California, joined to discuss her TEN books in NINE different genres, as well as her continued and future writing plans. FROM HER BIO: "Joyce is a retired Executive Assistant and now resides in Arcadia, California. She started her career as a stenographer at a major utility company. Joyce and her husband celebrated 53 years of marriage on June 3, 2020. They have two grown sons, eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren. She and her husband have been together for more than 63 years--since they were both 13 years old. Joyce is the author of 10 books, mostly non-fiction, and she is also a professional proofreader. Her mission statement is: 'I write books that inspire people on their journey to make the world a better place'. Her books are available at GoodShortBooks.com and Amazon.com." ![]() RICH CHAMBERS, a "clean-cut, respectful, average, law abiding middle-aged Canadian", from Vancouver, Canada, who also writes, records, and produces rock music, joined us to tell us about his career, his songs, the challenges in music/radio, and his future plans. FROM HIS WEBSITE: "From humble and modest beginnings to redefining 60s and classic rock, Rich Chambers’ musical story is not unlike that of countless other musicians, or anyone in any career for that matter. Discovering a passion for the guitar at age 10, and an even greater passion for songwriting at 14, he embarked on a life-long commitment to music and songwriting. Like any successful individual, he is all about commitment, dedication, hard work, maintaining perspective, and believing in himself. Chambers’ journey has not been without its bumps though. After completing high school, he was so sure he would be the next big thing, until countless nights playing in many cheesy dives, for at best a round or two of cheap draught beer, taught him otherwise. It was then he made an important, life-changing decision—he went back to school, which eventually led to a bachelor’s degree in English and later a master’s degree in Humanities. As Chambers so enthusiastically always says, “education rocks!” Along the way, Chambers’ rock n’ roll journey always kept moving. As a solo artist, and previously with his band Half-Hour Late, he released numerous albums and singles. His most successful song to date, has been his cover of "Snow Miser vs. Heat Miser" from his first album, ‘Santa’s Rockin’ Band,’ which was released soon after his first university graduation in the days before Spotify and on-line music sales and streaming. Once iTunes hit, and later Spotify, “Snow Miser vs. Heat Miser” began to really resonate with people and rise in popularity. It has since been downloaded over 18,000 times in the last ten years and streamed approximately 900,000 times in the past three. The song became the cornerstone of his 2020 ‘Santa’s Rockin’ Band’ album reboot, which also included a newly penned original, “It’s Christmas Time (All Over the World),” which went on to attain over 250,000 streams on Spotify alone in the last two months of 2020." richchambers.com/home ![]() DAVID WEISS, better known as "FLAT EARTH DAVE", a well-known voice in the world of discussing "Is the Earth Flat?", joined us to discuss why the Earth is, indeed .... FLAT, including the providing of his empirical evidence. FROM HIS BIO: "Flat Earth Dave hails from the East Coast of the United States where he was born and raised. He began his Flat Earth journey when he left his very lucrative corporate job and started his own company. As a hobby, he hosted a conspiracy comedy show at a NYC comedy club for three years. After many fans urged that he look at what he considered to be a ridiculous notion called, "Flat Earth", he sought out to disprove this conspiracy and put it to bed once and for all. It was then that he discovered Flat Earth was in fact the true earth and hasn't looked back. He is now on a mission to wake up the world to Flat Earth because it is the MOST IMPORTANT topic today, especially in light of today's current political and social climate." www.theflatearthpodcast.com ![]() CRYSTAL NICHOLLS, a Professional Dancer and Wellness-Based Lifestyle Coach based in London, joined us to tell us how she helps performers and creatives boost their energy, overcome creative blocks, and embody confidence. FROM HER WEBSITE: "I grew up on the beautiful Caribbean island of Barbados, where I had big dreams of becoming a professional dancer. When I was 18 years old, I moved to Toronto, CANADA, where I got my BFA in Performance Dance. I then got my first job on a cruise ship and never looked back. Finally, I landed my dream job in London’s West End. I should have been happy right? Wrong. I soon became stressed, depleted and overwhelmed. My learned dancer-perfectionism took over and I scrutinised every thing I did wrong in every performance until I stopped enjoying the show." www.crystalnicholls.com ![]() For no apparent or discernible reason, Paul interviewed members of the supporting cast of the show, including "Hicksville Harry", "Paranoid Pete", and "Cannabis Carl", as the boys shared details of their lives and careers, so that the audience get get to know them better, per the repeated requests form our listeners! As Al often says .... WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Enjoy! ![]() LORI HARDACKER, an author, entrepreneur, dance teacher and RV adventurer from southwest Florida, will join us to discuss her latest release, "Dating, What The F***?", which chronicles the trials and tribulations of her nearly 30 years in the world of dating! FROM HER BIO: "Lori L. Hardacker is a first- time author who has unfortunately been dating for nearly 30 years. The stories she has accumulated and her opinions on dating will cause others laughter, joy, pain and tears. Now wait, Lori is much more than a first-time author, she is also an entrepreneur, dance teacher and RV adventurer. Lori is originally from Massachusetts, but now resides in Southwest Florida. She went to Roger Williams University and received a BA in Dance and a minor in Theater. For four years, Lori owned and operated a successful dance studio and then later on created a traveling dance and fitness program that she brought to preschools, daycare and recreation centers and YMCAs in New England. Today she teaches tap, ballet, jazz, tumbling and creative movement to 18 month through 6-year olds, and she is known as the “Baby Whisperer”." datingwhatthefuck.com ![]() BRIAN PENSO, a public speaker, trainer, and author from Texas, will join us to discuss his work and his latest release, "Who Are You and Why - The Evolution of You". FROM HIS WEBSITE: "Life can be tough and unforgiving. It can wear you down. Life can also be rewarding, fun, and beautiful. What many fail to realize is the choice is 100% yours. Brian Penso knows both sides of life. He understands failure and wanted to give up many times. He's been homeless, stuck, and in debt. However, Brian chose to never give up on himself or his dreams. Today he's a successful entrepreneur and business owner in Houston, Texas. The journey you're about to take is the exact blueprint he uses daily. Brian will lead you through the steps you need to take right now to be the hero of your own story. No more ordinary existence, no more settling, and no more excuses. What are you waiting for? Make a decision and let's get started." brianpenso.com ![]() MARTHA HOY, a nurse/author from Las Vegas, Nevada, joined us to discuss her horrific experiences; how she turned evil toward good; her charitable foundations; and her latest releases, including, "Enjoy The Journey" and"Lead with Your Heart". FROM HER BIO: "I was a nurse living in West Virginia in an abusive marriage. I had been doing charity work in Uganda for some time. When I had to leave my life suddenly two orphans from Uganda helped me. I then took the one thing I had left of my life, a suitcase, and went on a journey. A journey of self discovery. But I also, built a new family along the way made up of people all over the world. My passion for helping children was fueled by what those two young men did for me. Two charitable organizations were formed from my story. Mother Martha Family Foundation in Las Vegas, Nevada and AMKA Foundation Africa in Kampala, Uganda. I wrote two books about my story, 'Lead with your heart' and 'Enjoy the Journey.' https://www.facebook.com/martha.hoy ![]() JOEY LOZADA, one of the ringleaders of the CTS Interview Room in Alabama, joined us to discuss their YouTube channel, all of their shows, and to discuss big-time coaches who leave their players for more money. FROM HIS BIO: "We started a YouTube page in June where we talk about such things as sports, entertainment, and even professional wrestling. Joey Lozada has interviewed people like Vince Papale from the Philadelphia Eagles and Disney's Invincible, Jim "The Rookie" Morris from MLB and Disney's The Rookie, and Sean Kanan from the Karate Kid 3. We also have the Marvin Constant Show where the Alabama FOOTBALL LEGEND interviews other Alabama University football legends and other football greats. We just got SEC SUPERFAN STINGRAY to be part of the group. You may remember him from the SEC NETWORK, PAUL FINEBAUM, AND TOSH.O. We are trying to get the word out and we know big things are coming" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-C6klSLcpuIBlJYbaJMUbQ ![]() DALLISA HOCKING, a Psychic Medium now from Texas, will join us to discuss what a psychic medium does, her work with Spirit and Spark, and to discuss a few cold cases. FROM HER BIO: Before she became a nationally recognized psychic medium, mindfulness expert and intuitive business consultant, Dallisa Hocking led a very different life as an executive in the casino industry in Las Vegas. She has made matters of the heart, living authentically, and teaching people how to elevate their own joy her core mission. She founded Spirit & Spark, a nationwide company devoted to matching clients with top spiritual and wellness service providers, allowing for thoughtful, healing connections. Hocking has trained with industry superstars, such as Tony Robbins, Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Dr. Raymond Moody. She received her psychic gifts from her grandmother (Eloise) and great-great grandmother (Bell). Hocking has also had the privilege of working on missing persons, mysterious deaths and cold cases, providing loved ones with information and closure. https://spiritandspark.com ![]() A. KIDD, an author, artist, and performance poet from Michigan, joined us to discuss her debut novel, "The Healing Star", as well as her future writing plans. FROM HER WEBSITE: "A. Kidd is the middle child in a family of three girls. She started making up her own stories at age four. Because she couldn't yet write, her mom wrote the stories down for her while she painted the pictures. Her first story was called Wagland and featured an island community with sea creatures that ate tuna fish sandwiches. She has a B.S. in Written Communication with a minor in Language, Literature, and Writing from Eastern Michigan University and an MLIS with a specialization in children's librarianship from Wayne State University. Her poetry has been published in literary magazines. She is also an artist and a performance poet. In her free time, she enjoys finding and hiding painted rocks in her neighborhood and going on adventures with her family and friends." www.akiddwrites.com |
Author/HostFresh from the success of his book, "A Principal's Family Principles" (available for purchase at www.amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, and www.outskirtspress.com), "Dr. Paul's Family Talk" focuses on the family, kids, parenting, schools, jokes, music, sports, issues of the day, and all issues that impact the family. Archives
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